Stranica - 1



, kao "super povećalo" u polju oralne medicine, precizni je instrument koji se posebno koristi za zubnu kirurgiju i dijagnozu. It presents the subtle structures in the oral cavity clearly to doctors through a series of complex and exquisite constructions, providing the possibility for precise treatment.

Ovo je jedna od temeljnih komponenti amikroskop, poput leće kamere, što određuje povećanje i jasnoću slike. Uvećanje

Good lighting is the foundation for clear observation. A

Radni mikroskopkirurški mikroskop


Princip rada azubni mikroskopis based on the basic principles of optical imaging. Simply put, it magnifies small objects in the oral cavity through a combination of objective and eyepiece lenses. Svjetlost se emitira iz sustava rasvjete kako bi se osvijetlilo kirurško područje. The reflected light from the object is first magnified by the objective lens, then further magnified by the eyepiece, and finally forms a clear magnified image in the doctor's eyes or on the imaging device. To je poput korištenja povećala za promatranje predmeta, ali učinak uvećanja a

will achieve greater leaps in functionality and performance. We look forward to the widespread adoption of this technology, not only in large hospitals, but also in more primary healthcare institutions and dental clinics, benefiting more patients. Istovremeno,zubni mikroskop

Post Vrijeme: siječanj-20-2025